Story of ^ and ~ in package.json

Akshay Mattoo
Jan 27, 2021
Photo by Joshua Aragon on Unsplash

Ever wondered what are these characters in your package.json file. Let’s decipher it together. In package.json you write external modules your application depends on. Every module has a release which is in a format 16.0.1. These three digits mean something. 16 is a major release, 0 is a minor release and 1 is for bug fixes/patches. In technical terms its called Semver. For more info follow this link. Say we wanted only minor fixes for a package we will write ^16.0.1 and do npm install. This will only fetch minor releases from the repository instead of the whole thing. If we want just patches then we will write ~16.0.1. If we specify version then we will write nothing just 16.0.1.

Concluding we have three option ^,~ and nothing. Depending on what are the requirements choose the correct version



Akshay Mattoo

#Father #JS-Advocate #SoftwareEngineer #fitnessbeliever #intermediatetennisplayer #lifebetweenthebraces{}