Embarrassment Driven Development not a framework to be followed

Akshay Mattoo
3 min readNov 4, 2022
Photo by JJ Jordan on Unsplash

We all start our journey in the work industry somewhere. Still, one common thing is we are all thrown with a lot of industry jargon like TDD (test-driven development), DDD (domain-driven development), BDD (behavior-driven development), and the list goes on. They are accommodating if used after EDD (embarrassment-driven development).

Let’s face the truth, we all come across problems while working, irrespective of what position we join. Someone who joined before us always has more context than who joins at a later stage. I can’t stress enough we should ask and ask more when we are uncertain about things around us. In some context, I had read a pro is someone who acts like a newbie every day. We have to keep our curious instinct alive all the time. We can make more informed decisions by asking the right questions at the right time. Giving our ego more weight than asking for help can lead to more problems. Here is what I like to do.

I need help understanding the request flow from React (front end) to a backend controller.

  • I will find a suitable component that handles that. Use Components in the console to find it.
  • I will check how that component is calling the backend code. It must be on some event like click or something else. Everyone has a different way of reaching the backend code via proxy, relative paths, etc.
  • Once that is done will land on the backend code controller code file. Here it’s different as everyone tries to implement backend code differently for other languages.

So the key takeaway is we don’t have to shy away from asking questions, but we should have factual data to support it. We should do enough research before we ask. The format is simple `What have I done so far?` and `Description of the issue.` Combined, these two things would give the other person enough context to help you from there. Also, when we are writing or explaining something to another person, we try to be very clear, and sometimes rewinding words in our mind gives us the answer. So keep our egos aside and ask to get yourself unblocked.


I recently joined a new job. Working in a new environment with a new setup is always challenging. And to add on top of it, I, too, got into EDD early on. I joined as a senior engineer, and I couldn’t get myself out to ask as my brain would remind me of my ego. What would others think about me? Shouldn’t it be simple enough? Simple is something that we have already come across, or we have practiced enough. Initially, I took some time and reminded myself that I needed to ask as many questions and help others along the way as they might have similar questions and be trapped in a similar situation. So I followed the above-discussed strategy for everything like domain-level and tech-related questions, and I must tell you my life is straightforward now. One plus point, I have developed relations with people along the way.


We all have, and we will face problems. The question to ask ourselves is whether we want to solve them faster. Refrain from falling into the trap of embarrassment-driven development.

Please let me know your thoughts in the comments section, or if you have stories around the same topic, it would be great to hear them. Our lives are built around stories, and sharing them makes them more fun. Happy coding.

And if you want, you can connect with me on LinkedIn or Twitter!



Akshay Mattoo

#Father #JS-Advocate #SoftwareEngineer #fitnessbeliever #intermediatetennisplayer #lifebetweenthebraces{}